Meet Kate Roath: Redefining Holistic Beauty with Wild Source

Beyond skincare, Wild Source crafts rituals nurturing mind, body, and soul. From breathwork to meditation, each daily practice invites presence and peace. With essential skincare essentials, their nutritive blends breathe life into the skin, nourishing and soothing with every application. Founder Kate Kaye’s ethos infuses every product, advocating for mindful skincare rituals that cultivate true radiance.

Skindays: What inspired you to start Wild Source?

Kate Roath: I started Wild Source because there wasn’t a holistic approach to luxury beauty that resonated with me. I wanted to create a brand that felt elevated and luxurious but had holistic wellbeing at its core. The goal was to create efficacious skincare products with beautiful, nutritious ingredients that supports a holistic approach to living.

SD: How do you see Wild Source’s holistic approach impacting the beauty industry?

KR: Positively I hope. Taking a more considered and holistic approach is so important and for me this isn’t a trend, it just aligns with the way that I live my life. It’s about nurturing your whole-self; mind, body and soul as well as skin. Wild Source directly contributes to your overall wellbeing, not just your skin health and there’s a growing demand from customers to meet this expectation.  

SD: Why did you choose to focus mainly on facial oils?

KR: Because I truly believe everyone’s skincare routine could be improved by using the right oil. I love face oils, there’s a ritualistic energy about them that I just don’t experience with creams or serums. I love how potent they can be, how protective they are and the way they nourish your skin. 

SD: What is the best advice you have ever received?

KR: To make your decisions from a place of love, not fear.

SD: Can you explain the significance of using 100% cold-pressed plant oils in your formulations?

KR: It’s about the quality of ingredients being used. We always want them to be the most potent, highest-quality and purest that we can get. Cold-pressed oils keep more of their bioactive compounds which are crucial for nourishing, protecting and rejuvenating the skin. We favour organic ingredients because they are not sprayed with harsh chemicals or processed in any way. It’s the same with the food you eat right? You want your ingredients to be high quality, organic and fresh because they’re the tastiest and most nutritious for our bodies. In essence, the more high-quality the ingredients the more effective the products become. 

SD: How do you respond to people who believe that using face oils can lead to breakouts?

KR: I get asked this all the time. There’s a common misconception that oil breaks you out/clogs pores or that people with oily skin shouldn’t use face oils. I think this is one of the reasons oils can get a bit of a bad reputation. Of course not all oils are good for your skin and so you do need to be selective on which ones you use. The ingredients we use are non-comedogenic meaning they don’t clog your pores, have a lightweight texture and help maintain your skin’s barrier. When skin is dehydrated and stripped of its natural oils (this can be caused by over-washing or using products that are too harsh for the skin) it compensates by producing excess sebum to protect and hydrate itself. So actually, using an oil can really help to balance the skin.


SD: If you could only pick one product from your brand, what would it be?

KR: Easy answer, Miracle Oil. It’s the first product I formulated and my most loved. It gives your skin that ‘lit from within’ look. It’s our best seller too so I know I’m not the only one. Close second would be our Cleansing Melt which launches in October. I’ve been using this product for nearly 2 years and I adore it. 

SD: What has been the most rewarding moment of your journey with Wild Source?

KR: There have been so many! The moments that really light me up come everytime a customer reaches out to me to let me know how our products changed their skin health in a positive way. Or when someone tells me how our products make them feel, those are the moments that remind me why I do what I do.

SD: What’s next for Wild Source?

KR: There’s so much in the pipeline for us as we move forward to this next chapter of Wild Source. Post rebrand you can expect to see new products, community events and some exciting new partnerships. Watch this space! 

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